Archive for November, 2010

Had to let it out. l .tou ti tel ot daH

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 26, 2010 by JohnnyDolce


Silly jealousy.


Our lips are curling like waves in the ocean,

we are lost like a surfer in the deadly motion.

We tremble, we shake but dare not to let go,

we hold onto each other and dive in the flow.


We’re lost to the world, but found to each other,

We’re bound to stay true and love one another.

A moment can break like a glass under weight,

and too much positive could always negate.


I shine our love upon you to glisten like a tear,

you reflect it back and a dimple then appears.

one I’ve longed for, searched for quite a while.

it’s where it belongs, just there by your smile.


Your skin glowing, like a landing-strip for planes,

Upon which every lady-bird is happy to take lanes.

I’m jealous, for they feel you with their whole,

explore the smallest dungeons, cover every hole.


And yet, I know that you’re mine and I am yours,

there is no one else to be cast upon our shores.

No matter how hard they would search and explore,

only we know the secret knock to unlock the doors.